THE CAPTURE OF MAJOR ANDRE In the second installment of our eleven part series, we continue with the history of the Purple Heart’s beginnings during the revolutionary war. In the late 1700’s, Major John Andre was a spy operating under the direction of one of American History’s famous traitors, Major General Benedict Arnold. Arnold was made famous through his betrayal, in turning over the U.S. military Post at West Point for cash and a command in the British Army. Needless to say the word “traitor” is synonymous with Arnold’s name to this day. Before becoming the famous traitor, Major General Arnold commanded West Point while secretly in collusion with British Intelligence for the purpose of surrendering this American Post to the enemy. To accomplish this Arnold handed over secret American documents to be delivered by Major Andre into the hands of the British enemy. Wearing an American uniform, Major Andre set out on his treacherous mission, travelli...