Blog 10 Post of 11
The young
man, gravely injured during the Battle of Anzio in Italy, returned to the United
States where he would receive the military’s highest award for his conspicuous
gallantry at the risk of life, above and beyond the call of duty. S/Sgt. George John Hall of Stoneham, Massachusetts,
an undeniable hero of WWII. His
citation reads:
“For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above
and beyond the call of duty. Attacking across flat, open terrain under direct
enemy observation, S/Sgt. Hall’s company was pinned down by grazing fire from 3
enemy machine guns and harassing sniper fire. S/Sgt. Hall volunteered to
eliminate these obstacles in the path of advance. Crawling along a plowed
furrow through furious machine gun fire, he made his way to a point within hand
grenade range of 1 of the enemy positions. He pounded the enemy with 4 hand
grenades, and when the smoke had died away, S/Sgt. Hall and 2 dead Germans
occupied the position, while 4 of the enemy were crawling back to our lines as
prisoners. Discovering a quantity of German potato-masher grenades in the
position, S/Sgt. Hall engaged the second enemy nest in a deadly exchange of
grenades. Each time he exposed himself to throw a grenade the Germans fired
machine gun bursts at him. The vicious duel finally ended in S/Sgt. Hall’s
favor with 5 of the enemy surrendered and 5 others lay dead. Turning his
attention to the third machine gun, S/Sgt. Hall left his position and crawled
along a furrow, the enemy firing frantically in an effort to halt him. As he
neared his final objective, an enemy artillery concentration fell on the area,
and S/Sgt. Hall’s right leg was severed by a shell burst. With 2 enemy machine guns eliminated, his company was able to flank the third and continue
its advance without incurring excessive casualties. S/Sgt. Hall’s fearlessness,
his determined fighting spirit, and his prodigious combat skill exemplify the
heroic tradition of the American Infantryman.”
His hometown
deservedly held a hero’s welcome upon for him with all the pomp and
circumstance he deserved. Later the
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 620 would be founded in his name. Stoneham would also commemorate his selfless
feats by naming their community pool in his honor with a marker bearing his picture
and description of his deeds.
But S/Sgt.
Hall had been severely injured and sadly, at the young age of 25, he succumbed
to the lingering complications of his badly wounded leg, leaving his wife
Elizabeth a widow. So great were the
number of citizens wishing to attend his funeral, Stoneham had to hold his service
in armory. Armories were once needed during WWII to store artillery. So many have vanished in this modern era,
including the Stoneham Armory which now houses a local hardware store.
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